Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Just because!

No reason, no excuse, no link - Just a random picture of my two little buttons. Everytime I see them close together like this, it makes me smile and feel happy to see how much they clearly gain from each others company.

Pixie-Stix on the left (cream) and Cookie on the right (black and white)


  1. Who needs a reason or excuse to share a wonderful picture like this....Two peas in a pod.... You can clearly see the close relationship they have....
    It made me smile too when I saw them.. Thank you....Warm wishes, Julie

  2. Ahhhh! What a lovely picture of two little buttons who clearly shine! My own mysterious dog Sooty, who makes her first appearance on my blog tonight, was very impressed when she saw them here!

  3. Thanks Laurie and Julie! I think they might have to feature a little bit more in the blog from now on.

  4. Oh! Yes, please - we should have more of Pixie-Stix and Cookie!
    Give them a pat from me.
